Emergency Repairs
In the case of an emergency, please call our office (07 4045 4433) during office hours or see more contacts below or Emergency Services (000) or SES (13 25 00) immediately or follow the instructions on your most recent Residential Tenancy Agreement. Emergency repairs for managed properties are defined in section 214 of the RTRA Act 2008 (QLD) as meaning:
- a burst water service or a serious water service leak;
- a blocked or broken toilet;
- a serious roof leak;
- a gas leak;
- a dangerous electrical fault;
- flooding or serious flood damage;
- serious storm, fire or impact damage;
- a failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply to the Property;
- a failure or breakdown of an essential service or appliance of the Property for hot water, cooking and heating;
- a fault or damage that makes the Property unsafe or insecure;
- a fault or damage likely to injure a person, damage property or unduly inconvenience a tenant of the Property;
- a serious fault in a staircase, lift or other common area of the property that unduly inconveniences a tenant in gaining access to, or using, the Property.
The Agent will use his/her best endeavours to engage the contractors who have been nominated by the landlord, pursuant to Section 216 of the RTRA Act 2008 (QLD), to effect emergency maintenance and repairs. Please refer to your latest Residential Tenancy Agreement for further instructions.
Our preferred tradespeople and contacts for EMERGENCIES are:
- ALWAYS CALL Professionals Cairns South on 4045 4433 or Filip Binst on 0417 612 155 (Principal)
- ELECTRICAL: David Bovey 0418 770 011 OR Smithys Air & Electrical 0475 768 869 OR Garrett Electrical 0488 113 339
- PLUMBING: Ross Weber Plumbing 0419 676 064 OR Wet Tropics Plumbing 4019 7945 OR Sunny Plumbing 0422 508 143
- LOCKSMITH: Denis Duncombe 4035 3422 OR Eddie Williams 4041 7957 OR AAA Locksmiths 0417 216 774
- GLASS & SLIDING DOOR LOCKS: NQ Discount Glass 4053 4822 OR Southside Glass & Aluminium 0499 163 779 OR Cairns All Star Glass ‘N’ Aluminium 0488 735 791
- HANDYMAN: Alan Brench 0416 530 073 OR Roy Pease 0475 273 681
Routine Repairs
Routine repairs are defined in section 215 of the RTRA Act 2008 (Qld) as meaning “repairs that are not emergency repairs”. We require all repairs to be lodged in writing. You can lodge written repair requests by emailing us on pcs@email.propertyme.com or by using the PropertyMe Tenant App or submitting a Maintenance Request Form on our website under the RENT tab.
Your Safety
The highest priority always must be for your safety, and the safety of your children, occupants and your visitors.
Some things to be aware of include:
- Exposed wiring
- Faulty power points and switches
- Gas smell or odour
- Damage to paving and pathways that could cause someone to trip
- Suspicious or dangerous plants in the garden that are poisonous/toxic or that you may be allergic to them
- Bee swarms coming on to the property mainly during spring, especially if someone is allergic to bee stings
- If you need to clean a property with high ceilings or light fittings that are hard to reach, please do so with care and use the appropriate equipment and do not do anything considered unsafe
- Loose floorboards that could cause someone to fall through them and cause injury
- Loose balcony railings, steps or decking woodwork
- Loose or faulty locks, in particular entry doors and screen doors
- Broken or cracked windows, and broken/loose window locks
Important renting information for NATURAL DISASTER victims
Please review detailed info from the Residential Tenancies Authority: Fact Sheet Natural Disaster Victims
See also information on renting tips.